First Legal Report In Malaysia
For Business Owners

We use decision tree algorithm to help you
save legal costs and make better legal decisions for your business.

How OKLAW Legal Report Works?

Legal Decision Tree Algorithm

Compute all legal possible outcomes and options using comprehensive algorithm, results are verified by practicing lawyers.

AI Machine Learning

Compare your legal case with database of legal precedents for better accuracy.

Real Time
Legal Summary Report

Provide overview of your legal options based on

Lawyer Recommendations

Recommend lawyers of the right expertise based on your case at the right price – quick & transparent.

Why Choose OKLAW?

Make Smarter Legal Decision

Compare all the options of your legal case and make decision at your fingertips.

Legal Advice On The Go

The easiest way to learn about your legal options and seek guidance. ANYTIME, ANYWAY.

No More Hassle
for the Right Lawyer

Connect the right lawyer to your legal case quickly and securely. All the lawyers are licensed and active.

Save Cost
for Legal Consultation

The cost of lawyer consultation can vary depending on the cases. In OKLAW, it’s FREE.

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